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Fr. King was born on December 8th, feast of the Immaculate Conception, in Oak Pak, Illinois.  He hails from a family of five, has four sisters, and his mother, at present, lives in Naples, Florida.


Father joined the Institute of Charity on April 20, 1980 and took his Perpetual Vows on April 25, 1984.  He was ordianed a Priest on August 6, 1985.  He has been a priest for 27 years and has served in different parishes as pastor.


His first assignment was at Sacred Heart Church, Bradenton, Florida in the Diocese of Venice, from 1986-1989.  Since then, until 2012 he served as pastor in different parishes in the Diocese of Peoria, Illinois.


He is currenlty serving as Pastor of St. Theresa Catholic Church, Spring Hill, Florida.  


Most recently Bishop Robert N. Lynch has been appointed him School Pastor of Notre Dame. 

Biographical Information

Fr. Bruce King, IC

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